Graham's Birth Story

About 5 days before Graham was actually born, I had thought I was in labor when I really wasn’t. We rushed to the birth center at like 3 AM, and even my amazing friend & photographer Tylynn came with us right away.. We spent 12 hours at the birth center trying to get me to progress with no luck. Kody was amazing and helped me do anything we could to get labor going. He walked the halls with me, let me lean on him for support, walked up and down the stairs with me, and even helped with some rebozo! All of it would make my contractions pick up, but they'd slow right back down again after I rested! (this happened with Olive too, but they just kept me at the hospital and induced me- which sucked) But this time unfortunately, I wasn't actually in labor, so I went home and continued life as usual.. You know, other than worrying I was in labor or would go into labor at any given moment! Over the weekend I tried as many things as...