Mental Health & Body Positivity

This is something that has been heavy on my mind for YEARS, but even moreso lately. I feel like I have always struggled with mental health and body positivity in one way or another, and for me, the two go hand in hand. I don't know if it's because I had my first baby so young, or because of my crazy childhood, or even something else- but I have just always had such a hard time accepting my body, myself, and not caring about what other people think about me. As most of you know, I had Tate when I was 16. I literally didn't even have my first period until my first date with his dad, and was pregnant almost exactly a year later. I hadn't even matured whatsoever- mentally or physically- and that was really hard for me. My body and my hormones changed rapidly in a short amount of time and I didn't even know how to handle that! It really didn't help that my boyfriend at the time left me for another girl when I was 6 months pregnant. I felt scared, alon...